Contact - Our Staff

Contact Information

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Phone | 608.839.3770
Office Hours | Monday - Friday, 8 am to 3 pm
Mailing Address | 406 W. Cottage Grove Rd. Cottage Grove, WI 53527
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Nathanael Abrahamson, Associate Pastor
Pastor Abrahamson teaches the Word of God in worship and Bible studies. He is responsible for our youth ministries, including Sunday School and E.P.I.C. Youth, as well as managing our use of media and technology.  He oversees and supports the coordinators of internal communication, leadership support & education, marketing, and community outreach. His email:
Nathan Krause, Administrative Pastor
Pastor Krause is responsible for teaching the Word of God to the Abiding Shepherd family, both in worship services and through Bible studies and working with administrative matters. He oversees and supports the coordinators of evangelism, music ministries, adult ministries, small group Bible study and worship logistics. His email:
Holly Freund, Administrative Assistant
The pastors and the congregation are assisted with many of the day-to-day operations and weekly functions of our church by our Administrative Assistant, Holly Freund. Her email: