
Get Informed
Small Group Bible Studies
 give us a unique opportunity to grow in our relationship with God and each other through study and discussion of God's Word. Groups meet during the school year at various times and locations. MORE INFORMATION
Connect Groups meet for 5 consecutive weeks and answer discussion questions prepared by the preaching pastor on his sermon that week. They meet in local restaurants or homes. NEXT GROUPS
Women's Bible Study meets Wednesdays from 3 to 4:15pm. CONTINUE READING
Men's Foxhole meets during the school year on Thursday mornings at 8am. While enjoying a light breakfast men discuss contemporary issues from a Christian perspective. DETAILS
Get Involved
In Abiding Shepherd - Make an impact in areas such as ushering, working on maintenance. teaching Sunday school, or singing in the choir.

In the Community - Show your passion for serving the local community with events such as Family Christmas Journey, an annual rummage sale, Trunk or Treat and more.

To find out how God has gifted you to serve, speak with a pastor about completing a Spiritual Gifts Inventory.