What's been holding you back from God and others has been healed. Jesus has transformed how we answer the question, "Who Do You Think You Are?"
A message of trust in God that He knows what He is doing whether we might think so or not.
We're all captivated by greatness and in one way or another, want to experience something great. But what does true greatness look like, where does it come from and how do we embrace it? Dig into Malachi 3:10 and discover "The greatness Code."
Are there things that come out of your mouth, run through your mind or hang around in your heart that really shouldn't? We don't need to be afraid of those things when we realize how God responds to "My Big Fat Mouth."
Detours can be difficult, frustrating and scary. But when we remember what we have seen from God all along the way, we'll be better prepared to embrace what's ahead. What's ahead is worth it, even if it means taking "The Scenic Route."
Is fear a bad thing or a good thing? There's a special kind of fear that actually defeats every other fear. Dig into Exodus 20:20 and see what happens with "Fear vs Fear."
You may have been here before but you are not stuck here. Through Jesus, in this test you can embrace the freedom of knowing you are "Not A Hostage."
There's risk...but it's worth it! Jesus gives you the ability to take hold of "The Opportunity of Your Life."
It reshapes how you see yourself, your life and the world around you when you learn what God sees as "The Living Room."
Wherever you find yourself mentally, emotionally and spiritually today, there is One who is everything you need. Listen closely and hear "The Heartbeat of God."
There's already been a funeral for that. You can leave it behind and step into what's ahead "When God Calls You Out."
Do you feel that? Something's different. Something is happening. It's impacting you and transforming how you live. Dig into Acts 20:24 and tune into "A Change in the Air."
Have you noticed all the new construction? There's new growth all over the place! That's because the risen Jesus is "Building A Better Life."
When life turns up the heat and keeps coming at us, sometimes it can start to feel like hope is lost. Yet, when we dig into Ezra 9:9 in light of the resurrection, we can see that Jesus has given us a life that really is "Unstoppable."
Does it seem like Easter has made you new, or do things seem the same? Whether we see it in the moment or not, the resurrection really has made you new and as we dig into 2 Corinthians 5:17 we can gain a "New View."
Just because you're breathing, it doesn't mean you're really living. The Resurrection doesn't just mean that we'll breath again, but it makes it possible for us truly "To Be Alive..."
What and who are "Now Serving" can literally give you new and renewed life. Learn how by digging into Jesus' Last Supper with His disciples as recorded in Luke 22:14-27.
Are you really hearing what it is that changes EVERYTHING? Dig into Mark 14:3-9 and get to "The Heart of it All."
What are they all about - this lesson, our worship, our lives as Christians? Dig into Luke 14:1-14 and embrace "The Invitation."
You might be looking good on the outside but how are things on the inside?
It's harder to look deep within but it's what matters most. Thankfully, Jesus brings us the "Deep Clean."
What you hear can have such an impact on you. But what's going on inside of you can have such an impact on what you hear. Jesus is speaking words of life to us and it makes all the difference "Ear to Ear."
Do we ever really grow out of caring about what others think of us?
Whether it's the thoughts others have about us, the thoughts we have about others or the way we think about ourselves, there are much better thoughts that come from someone far greater for us to consider. Ask yourself, "What Is He Thinking?"
Jesus is not afraid to be associated with anyone or anything. He meets you right where you are and them right where they are. He came that we might be reclaimed by how He's resetting the table.
It's not about beating yourself up or sitting in sadness. It's about life. Embrace what the season is all about and see how in Jesus we are "Dying to Live."
When you're nowhere near where you want to be, feeling confused, disappointed, sad, angry or wondering what you did wrong, Jesus has some good news for you....
...what you're longing for is "Not As Far as You Might Think."
Yes it takes some thought, but once you realize what's been going on in your mind and in your heart and turn your attention to the One who changes it all, it's completely worth it! Jesus is calling for "Your Attention Please."
Everyday and every interaction can be completely changed when you have this "People Perspective."
When we find ourselves in dark places, God's answer may not be easy...
but it is powerful when we see in Jesus "Light vs Dark."
This new year, truly embrace what God has placed on "The Road Before You."