Even in the middle of the struggle, our experience can be different when we remember "The Point of the Pain."
Let's be honest, we're surrounded by a lot of craziness in this world. But no matter what's going on around us, really, Life is Looking Up!
When tests have been coming at you from every direction, are you thankful for everything? James 1:2-4 can change the way you answer that question, filling you with perspective and encouragement whenever a test comes your way!
When the challenges of life meet the big story of God, encouragement and hope can actually come from those moments where we're reminded of "What Your Life is Missing."
Sometimes help is...painful. Help may not always come like you ask, but help will come.
What if the answer God wants to give us is bigger than the question we're asking? Dig into John 20:24-25 and transform those moments when you ask, "Are You Sure?"
A heavy dose of reality and incredibly encouraging truth, that's the behind the scene glimpse we get when we take a hold of this "Backstage Pass."
Some places & paths in life seem pretty dark and scary and yet they are exactly where God is calling us to go. As we dig into John 11:8, Jesus shines a light on every time we find ourselves questioning, "Go There?"
When life is just a lot and things get complicated, bring the pieces to Jesus. He makes it so we can be beautifully "Puzzled."
It's one thing to know that God can do anything. It's another thing to live it. No matter where we've been in our faith, we have a God who has done and continues to do the seemingly im possible.
So you're exhausted and it's not just because life is crazy, it's been rough. You may even be wondering why God has been relating to you the way He has. Jesus may not answer your questions the way you want, but He does give you what you need to "Never Lose Heart."
Red Light or Green Light Faith?
The call of Jesus is not primarily about saying no to things but about saying yes to the life He has for us. Dig into Matthew 14:29a and hear Jesus say, "Let's Go!"
Life is hard. But are we making it harder than it needs to be? Jesus has made it so we don't need to live "Miserably Saved."
What's been holding you back from God and others has been healed. Jesus has transformed how we answer the question, "Who Do You Think You Are?"
A message of trust in God that He knows what He is doing whether we might think so or not.
We're all captivated by greatness and in one way or another, want to experience something great. But what does true greatness look like, where does it come from and how do we embrace it? Dig into Malachi 3:10 and discover "The greatness Code."
Are there things that come out of your mouth, run through your mind or hang around in your heart that really shouldn't? We don't need to be afraid of those things when we realize how God responds to "My Big Fat Mouth."
Detours can be difficult, frustrating and scary. But when we remember what we have seen from God all along the way, we'll be better prepared to embrace what's ahead. What's ahead is worth it, even if it means taking "The Scenic Route."
Is fear a bad thing or a good thing? There's a special kind of fear that actually defeats every other fear. Dig into Exodus 20:20 and see what happens with "Fear vs Fear."
You may have been here before but you are not stuck here. Through Jesus, in this test you can embrace the freedom of knowing you are "Not A Hostage."
There's risk...but it's worth it! Jesus gives you the ability to take hold of "The Opportunity of Your Life."
It reshapes how you see yourself, your life and the world around you when you learn what God sees as "The Living Room."
Wherever you find yourself mentally, emotionally and spiritually today, there is One who is everything you need. Listen closely and hear "The Heartbeat of God."
There's already been a funeral for that. You can leave it behind and step into what's ahead "When God Calls You Out."
Do you feel that? Something's different. Something is happening. It's impacting you and transforming how you live. Dig into Acts 20:24 and tune into "A Change in the Air."
Have you noticed all the new construction? There's new growth all over the place! That's because the risen Jesus is "Building A Better Life."
When life turns up the heat and keeps coming at us, sometimes it can start to feel like hope is lost. Yet, when we dig into Ezra 9:9 in light of the resurrection, we can see that Jesus has given us a life that really is "Unstoppable."
Does it seem like Easter has made you new, or do things seem the same? Whether we see it in the moment or not, the resurrection really has made you new and as we dig into 2 Corinthians 5:17 we can gain a "New View."
Just because you're breathing, it doesn't mean you're really living. The Resurrection doesn't just mean that we'll breath again, but it makes it possible for us truly "To Be Alive..."
What and who are "Now Serving" can literally give you new and renewed life. Learn how by digging into Jesus' Last Supper with His disciples as recorded in Luke 22:14-27.