We are willing to trust Jesus with our eternities, but when we are willing to trust Him with our earthly lives - it is glorious and we will amaze even our Savior Himself.
What could taxes possibly teach us about God's relationship with us? Plenty!
Life's storms - we all have them.
There is no better solution than to place our problems in God's hands and allow Him, in His wisdom and love, to send the kind of rescue we need.
Jesus can be offensive... in the best way!
With His words and actions, Jesus can be offensive to us. Through faith, however, we see the beauty of who He is and what He does for us!
So Merciful!
As amazing as it would be to see Jesus drive out a demon, what is even more amazing is the mercy that He showed and continues to show us today!
As we wrestle every day with being sinners in a sinful world, Jesus comes and says "I have the cure and I want to heal you". But it doesn't start with our legs, it starts with our hearts. He came to forgive all of our sins.
When Jesus teaches, it's absolutely amazing! Pastor Krause takes us to an event recorded in Mark 1:21-28 where everyone is blown away by Jesus as He teaches. This lesson kick-starts our new Epiphany series "Hidden Glory." It may not always be easy to see, but when we're tuned in, we can see the glory of Jesus again and again.