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Speaker: Pastor Nathan Krause

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Reaching the End of Your Rope

Luke 18:45

Sometimes God lets us reach the end of our rope so we reach for the end of His. There we find both help and healing in the wings of our Savior!

When It's Hard to Trust

Luke 7:18-19

When we hit these multilayered, confusing, challenging tests of faith, it's not about our doubts, it's about what we believe.

The Problems with Worry

Matthew 6:27

Worry has many problems. Thankfully, God has given us the one and only solution!

The Private Tests

Matthew 1:18-19

Our good and loving God gives us both wisdom and patience as we are called upon to exercise our faith, even in the most personal and private tests of faith.

It's OK to Ask How

Luke 1:34

The impossible can always happen when God is doing the work.

Earning God's Respect

Malachi 3:10

Thank God our relationship depends on Him, and not us. But we have a part in this relationship too - He rescued us, so we not only say "thank you", but we want to show Him our love, trust and, most of all, our respect.

Your Move

Esther 4:15-16

With the thousands of decisions you make everyday, may you face your fear, figure them out, abandon your own strength and place your life in the hands of the all loving God!

The Right Question

Job 34:36

The next time you find yourself in a tough situation, maybe a Job moment, and you're dying to ask God a question, go ahead, ask the question. Just make sure you're asking the right question!

Big Boys (and Girls) Do Cry

2 Chronicles 32:20

Only through the love and truth of the Lord are we blessed in this life. Until we rest in His eternal kingdom, may He teach us that it is OK for big boys, and girls, to cry out to Him in faith.

Fighting Our Greatest Enemy

Judges 3:1-4

Although we may be our own greatest enemy as we go our own way in this world, thank God that He is our Rescuer and our Savior!


Deuteronomy 8:2

We have an awful sense of direction in life and unfortunately so often go our own way. Thankfully, our God lovingly and patiently reminds us that we have a "Lifeline."

Walk the Walk

Exodus 16:4-5

As we walk the walk of faith, remember THIS life is not the destination, we are on the way to the promised land. And when we fail a test of faith, go to the cross. Jesus has paid for every fall we've made.

Practicing Patience

Genesis 42:15-20

There will be a day of freedom when we can see how the plans God had were so much better than the plans we had. Until that day, we have the opportunity to be practicing patience.

The First Test

Genesis 2:15-17

God offers us the opportunity to become what He created us to be with each and every one of these tests, starting with the first.

With Us

John 14:23-27

It's one thing for us to want to be with our God. It's another thing for our God to choose to be with us!

Time To Clean House

1 Corinthians 3:16-17

You and I are the Temple of God. It's not a bad idea for us to look around to take stock and see what kind of shape this house is in. Christian is not just something we call ourselves, it's who we are.

A Love Like No Other

Luke 13:34-35

Every single one of us needs more of that kind of love, a love like no other.

Happy Death Day

Romans 6:4

Lord, would you not only remind me but empower me to live the life that You created me to live, for Your glory and our good. If that is our prayer, than we certainly have every reason to say "Happy Death Day."

Confident Living

Acts 20:24

God asks us to trust Him all of the time. It's time that we to get to the starting line - and live confidently!

The Jesus' Way

Acts 5:20

Living the Jesus way - for today and for eternity!


2 Corinthians 5:17

Easter gives us new life! It's not just a one day event. We get to begin to embrace what it means to have "Newer Life" as well.

Piety with a Purpose

Mark 14:3-9

The more we give it away, the more we have....
...dig into Mark 14:3-9 and discover what is at the heart of "Piety With A Purpose."

The Masks We Wear

Luke 14:1-14

We thank our Triune God for His words of life and of love - for they alone drive away all fear and help us to take off the masks we wear.

Being Mary in a Martha World

Luke 10:38-42

Being Mary in a Martha world means that when the world around us operates in a system of false guilt, we have a Savior who says, "Not only are you good enough, but I came to make you perfect!"

Like vs. Love

Luke 7:36-50

Take a second look at how we interact with "those people", regardless of what they look like or the assumptions we've made about them. They are also lost children who need the love of our God. Love them, but also like them.

Supper with Sinners

Matthew 9:10-12

Our God not only invites us to sit down at the table with all the other sinners, but also encourages us to invite them to sit with us as well!

The Value of Death

John 12:23-26

Whether the calendar says Valentines Day or Ash Wednesday, we can celebrate the true holiday of God's love and how He brings value to death in order to give us our lives back!

When Our Religion gets in the Way of our Faith

John 16:29-30

In the final sermon in our A-Ha Series, we see God's glory in the transfiguration of Jesus. Today we see glimpses of God's glory in our lives and in His love for us - bless us to reflect His glory to a disadvantaged world beset with sin.

Jesus Cares about our Heads and our Hearts

John 14:1-11

Jesus certainly cares just as much about our heads as He does our hearts!

OUI (operating under the influence)

Matthew 16:5-12

May we be an influence in the lives of those who need the truth of the love of Jesus while at the same time refusing to be influenced by the confusion and deceptions of the world.