When God says something, it has happen, just like when He said "Let there be light!" We need that light.
Often when God gives us these choices, what God wants from us is trust. From there he would have us make a choice and move forward, trusting His "Godly Guidance."
Often when God gives us these choices, what God wants from us is trust. From there he would have us make a choice and move forward, trusting His "Godly Guidance."
God looks things from heaven's perspective. He is the One who changes our perspective!
Our Savior came the first time to set us free from sin, our guilt and shame. We are looking forward to when He comes a second time to set us free from this sinful world!
What is it that will actually set us free from temptation? Dig into Jude 24-25 and embrace how Jesus sets us "Free From Temptation."
Today might be the day when time gives way to eternity, we see our Savior return and we hear the promise come fulfilled "Today is the day you have been set free from the curse of sin!"
There is no way for us to comprehend but it would be good for us to try to imagine that day when Jesus brings back our freedom and we say "Finally!"
Even when that attitude of gratitude has been missing in our heads and hearts, we have a God who still looks at us and says, "I love you."
As we anticipate future events in our lives, whether positive or negative, one of the biggest challenges we face is the waiting.
Jesus gave us the proof of His love, that no matter what challenge we face & what demon we might be running from, there's one enemy we can conquer, even if it is ourselves.
We don't move an inch without our Savior running out in front of us!
Not only did our Savior conquer evil for us, He taught us how to stand up to it!
You might be older. You might be wiser but you are certainly not better.
At first glance it looked like the big miracle was giving a blind man his sight, but the bigger miracle was to give the man his spiritual eyes!
From love and with faith let's speak some very positive "Dangerous Words."
There will be moments where you hear Jesus say, "Come."
When you do, may you let go, step out of the boat and walk on water!
Sometimes God lets us reach the end of our rope so we reach for the end of His. There we find both help and healing in the wings of our Savior!
When we hit these multilayered, confusing, challenging tests of faith, it's not about our doubts, it's about what we believe.
Worry has many problems. Thankfully, God has given us the one and only solution!
Our good and loving God gives us both wisdom and patience as we are called upon to exercise our faith, even in the most personal and private tests of faith.
Thank God our relationship depends on Him, and not us. But we have a part in this relationship too - He rescued us, so we not only say "thank you", but we want to show Him our love, trust and, most of all, our respect.
With the thousands of decisions you make everyday, may you face your fear, figure them out, abandon your own strength and place your life in the hands of the all loving God!
The next time you find yourself in a tough situation, maybe a Job moment, and you're dying to ask God a question, go ahead, ask the question. Just make sure you're asking the right question!
Only through the love and truth of the Lord are we blessed in this life. Until we rest in His eternal kingdom, may He teach us that it is OK for big boys, and girls, to cry out to Him in faith.
Although we may be our own greatest enemy as we go our own way in this world, thank God that He is our Rescuer and our Savior!
We have an awful sense of direction in life and unfortunately so often go our own way. Thankfully, our God lovingly and patiently reminds us that we have a "Lifeline."
As we walk the walk of faith, remember THIS life is not the destination, we are on the way to the promised land. And when we fail a test of faith, go to the cross. Jesus has paid for every fall we've made.