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Let There Be Light - Epiphany

A new year permits us the opportunity to “start over” in so many ways, including the next season of the church year - Epiphany. Epiphany is a Greek word which means “to show, to manifest, to appear”. In a way, the Epiphany season is considered as the Gentile Christmas commemorating the visit of the wise men as they came to Bethlehem to worship Jesus as King. While Epiphany has several unanswered questions… how many wise men were there, how long after the birth of Jesus did they actually arrive, how did they know to recognize the specific star God used to guide them… there is one thing about Epiphany that is beyond question - Jesus is our King too and deserves our worship!

While the Epiphany season often incorporates a study of New Testament lessons from the Gospels, this year for Epiphany we are actually going to go back to the Old Testament and work through texts which reveal God’s guiding light of love and truth, including God’s creation of light and how He uses it to guide His people in their daily lives. Our seasonal theme is: “LET THERE BE LIGHT”. Our lessons for the eight weeks of Epiphany, including Transfiguration Sunday and the working themes for each week, are listed below.

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Cloudy with a 100% chance of Fire

Exodus 13:21-22

I am with you always, to the very end of this journey.
There has never been a more perfect and accurate forecast, "Cloudy with 100% Chance of Fire."

Light Ahead

Exodus 13:21-22

When it's dark, you feel lost and you don't know which way to go, you can always know that there is "Light Ahead."

A bright-spot in a very dark world"

Exodus 10:21-23

You were once darkness. Now you are light! Now we get to be bright-spots in a very dark world!

A Different Light

Exodus 10:21-23


Genesis 1:3-5

Feeling like you're in the dark?

Take a moment to think about light, what it means and what it means for the dark that you're feeling.

We Need Light

Genesis 1:3-5

When God says something, it has happen, just like when He said "Let there be light!" We need that light.