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Most years during Advent we tend to focus on Jesus’ first coming, and that is very natural given Christmas is the next season of the church year. For this year’s Advent focus we are going to shift to the second coming of Jesus and our preparations for the freedoms Jesus will bring to us on that day. Our study will review four New Testament lessons and our Advent theme will be “FREEDOM!”
To view a sermon video in this series "FREEDOM", select one of the sermon titles below:

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A Real Christmas - Peace for the Broken

Miach 5:2-5a

I don't think we'll fully understand the value of this gift until about 10,000 years from now, when we're still reaping the benefits of this gift!

Free From this Sinful World

2 Peter 3:10-12a

Our Savior came the first time to set us free from sin, our guilt and shame. We are looking forward to when He comes a second time to set us free from this sinful world!

Free From Temptation

Jude 24-25

What is it that will actually set us free from temptation? Dig into Jude 24-25 and embrace how Jesus sets us "Free From Temptation."

Victory In View

Jude 24-25

The battle is real. So is the victory. Embrace the freedom that Jesus is bringing to us and live with "Victory In View."

Free from the Curse of Sin

Romans 8:23

Today might be the day when time gives way to eternity, we see our Savior return and we hear the promise come fulfilled "Today is the day you have been set free from the curse of sin!"

The Point of the Pain

Romans 8:22-23

Even in the middle of the struggle, our experience can be different when we remember "The Point of the Pain."


Luke 21:27-28

There is no way for us to comprehend but it would be good for us to try to imagine that day when Jesus brings back our freedom and we say "Finally!"

Life Is Looking Up!

Luke 21:27-28

Let's be honest, we're surrounded by a lot of craziness in this world. But no matter what's going on around us, really, Life is Looking Up!