Trinity is the time of year we dig into a specific faith topic. This year our study will focus on lessons about God testing our faith. The sermon series is intended to dig into scripture for a deeper understanding of how God uses tests of faith to provide opportunities for us to exercise our faith. While the Means of Grace (Gospel & Sacraments) are used by God to strengthen our faith, tests serve the very different purpose of helping us to practice putting our faith into action. When we do so we can see for ourselves exactly where we are at on our faith journey.
Sometimes God lets us reach the end of our rope so we reach for the end of His. There we find both help and healing in the wings of our Savior!
What's been holding you back from God and others has been healed. Jesus has transformed how we answer the question, "Who Do You Think You Are?"
When we hit these multilayered, confusing, challenging tests of faith, it's not about our doubts, it's about what we believe.
God's Word is filled with His promises. He has redeemed us, summoned us by name, we are His!
Worry has many problems. Thankfully, God has given us the one and only solution!
Pastor Joel Russow's puts the well-known verse "But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15, into context as we, by faith, follow Jesus - even in this fallen, broken world.
Our good and loving God gives us both wisdom and patience as we are called upon to exercise our faith, even in the most personal and private tests of faith.
A message of trust in God that He knows what He is doing whether we might think so or not.
Thank God our relationship depends on Him, and not us. But we have a part in this relationship too - He rescued us, so we not only say "thank you", but we want to show Him our love, trust and, most of all, our respect.
We're all captivated by greatness and in one way or another, want to experience something great. But what does true greatness look like, where does it come from and how do we embrace it? Dig into Malachi 3:10 and discover "The greatness Code."
We will encounter challenges in this life that lead us to feel uncertain about God's will. But, like Esther, God has placed believers in our lives who can more clearly see what our destiny is in these difficult situations.
With the thousands of decisions you make everyday, may you face your fear, figure them out, abandon your own strength and place your life in the hands of the all loving God!
Are there things that come out of your mouth, run through your mind or hang around in your heart that really shouldn't? We don't need to be afraid of those things when we realize how God responds to "My Big Fat Mouth."
The next time you find yourself in a tough situation, maybe a Job moment, and you're dying to ask God a question, go ahead, ask the question. Just make sure you're asking the right question!
Only through the love and truth of the Lord are we blessed in this life. Until we rest in His eternal kingdom, may He teach us that it is OK for big boys, and girls, to cry out to Him in faith.
The same God who worked miracles in a small prayer from King Hezekiah is the same God who works through our prayers today. A message from Guest Preacher, Dr. Brian Klebig, from 2 Chronicles 32:20
Although we may be our own greatest enemy as we go our own way in this world, thank God that He is our Rescuer and our Savior!
As the busy-ness of life distracts us, may we never become blind to the people around us. May we see the crowd, as Jesus did, and share God's love and His forgiveness through Jesus with them.
We have an awful sense of direction in life and unfortunately so often go our own way. Thankfully, our God lovingly and patiently reminds us that we have a "Lifeline."
Detours can be difficult, frustrating and scary. But when we remember what we have seen from God all along the way, we'll be better prepared to embrace what's ahead. What's ahead is worth it, even if it means taking "The Scenic Route."
Is fear a bad thing or a good thing? There's a special kind of fear that actually defeats every other fear. Dig into Exodus 20:20 and see what happens with "Fear vs Fear."
Seminary Student, Skyler Hepler leads us in a study from the book of Joshua reminding us of the choice we have between ourselves and what we think is right and our God who is always right.
Does God's Word have impact? Jesus says, "Yes!" Don't go by appearances, like the scattered seeds or the tiny mustard seed. It is His word, His message, His voice. He is teaching us to trust it. Guest Preacher, Prof. Joel Russow shares a message from Mark 4:26-34.
As we walk the walk of faith, remember THIS life is not the destination, we are on the way to the promised land. And when we fail a test of faith, go to the cross. Jesus has paid for every fall we've made.
You may have been here before but you are not stuck here. Through Jesus, in this test you can embrace the freedom of knowing you are "Not A Hostage."
There will be a day of freedom when we can see how the plans God had were so much better than the plans we had. Until that day, we have the opportunity to be practicing patience.
God offers us the opportunity to become what He created us to be with each and every one of these tests, starting with the first.
There's risk...but it's worth it! Jesus gives you the ability to take hold of "The Opportunity of Your Life."
We have reason to rejoice because, through Jesus, we are forgiven and He fights for us.