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Time for Supper!

Our sermon series follow a theme and this Lenten season is no exception. What might be surprising is the element which provides the basis for our Lenten theme: “Time for Supper”. Think back to the days of playing, working or doing homework and there was that welcome call “come for supper!” It meant a break from the routine and the mundane. It was the chance to gather with family and review the events of the day, an opportunity to refresh our bodies before we had to get back to the other important things of life. There are no less than fourteen different occasions when Jesus offered life-changing truth over the “supper table”. We have chosen some of the most interesting of them which are recorded taking place before His death and resurrection. To view a sermon, simply click on a sermon title below:

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To Be Alive...

Matthew 16:24-27

Just because you're breathing, it doesn't mean you're really living. The Resurrection doesn't just mean that we'll breath again, but it makes it possible for us truly "To Be Alive..."

Piety with a Purpose

Mark 14:3-9

The more we give it away, the more we have....
...dig into Mark 14:3-9 and discover what is at the heart of "Piety With A Purpose."

The Heart of it All

Mark 1:3-9

Are you really hearing what it is that changes EVERYTHING? Dig into Mark 14:3-9 and get to "The Heart of it All."

The Invitation

Luke 14:1-14

What are they all about - this lesson, our worship, our lives as Christians? Dig into Luke 14:1-14 and embrace "The Invitation."

The Masks We Wear

Luke 14:1-14

We thank our Triune God for His words of life and of love - for they alone drive away all fear and help us to take off the masks we wear.

Being Mary in a Martha World

Luke 10:38-42

Being Mary in a Martha world means that when the world around us operates in a system of false guilt, we have a Savior who says, "Not only are you good enough, but I came to make you perfect!"

Deep Clean

Luke 11:37-54

You might be looking good on the outside but how are things on the inside?
It's harder to look deep within but it's what matters most. Thankfully, Jesus brings us the "Deep Clean."

Ear to Ear

Luke 10:38-42

What you hear can have such an impact on you. But what's going on inside of you can have such an impact on what you hear. Jesus is speaking words of life to us and it makes all the difference "Ear to Ear."

Faith Looks to Jesus

Numbers 21:4-9

Numbers 21:4-9
3.3.24 Message from Fort Atkinson
Guest Preacher, Prof. Joel Russow

Like vs. Love

Luke 7:36-50

Take a second look at how we interact with "those people", regardless of what they look like or the assumptions we've made about them. They are also lost children who need the love of our God. Love them, but also like them.

What Is He Thinking?

Luke 7:36-50

Do we ever really grow out of caring about what others think of us?
Whether it's the thoughts others have about us, the thoughts we have about others or the way we think about ourselves, there are much better thoughts that come from someone far greater for us to consider. Ask yourself, "What Is He Thinking?"

Reclaimed - Resetting the Table

Matthew 9:10-13

Jesus is not afraid to be associated with anyone or anything. He meets you right where you are and them right where they are. He came that we might be reclaimed by how He's resetting the table.

Supper with Sinners

Matthew 9:10-12

Our God not only invites us to sit down at the table with all the other sinners, but also encourages us to invite them to sit with us as well!