It transforms the way you see yourself, your life and the world around you. Dive into the Transfiguration (transforming of appearance) of Jesus with a study of 2 Peter 1:16-18 and see Jesus revealed "In Honor & Glory."
You are invited to participate in God's glory, not just in the future, but today! See what this glory looks like with a Transfiguration message from 2 Peter 1:16-18.
Salvation isn't the end. It's the beginning! Learn how Jesus' glory is revealed in us, His disciples!
You might not have expected this...
...and you certainly don't know what all lies ahead...
...but you can trust in the God who has the knowledge and ability to work all things for your good and His glory. Just remember how Jesus is revealed "In Prophecy."
Sometimes we might wonder, "Where's the proof? Where's the evidence?" Listen closely to the Word of God and you will hear every prophesy and promise fulfilled!
What's shaping your view of Jesus? When we see Jesus revealed "By the Father," not only does it reshape how we view Him, but how we see our entire life of faith!
Guest preacher, Prof. Sam Degner shares this Epiphany message from Matthew 16:13-17
If you could see God's face in this moment, how would He be looking at you? You might be surprised and amazed by what you would see, because of what is revealed to us about Jesus "In Judgment."
May the Holy Spirit keep us from making false judgements as we look at others, that we may be filled with His power to share God's message of love.
You need a miracle. We all do. There are situations in our lives and in this world that we have no power to fix. But when you find yourself in the dark because you have no idea what to do, remember how Jesus was revealed "In Miracles."
The miracle of faith gives us our life back! Count your miracles!
When you're surrounded by darkness, it's amazing what light you'll find, when you see how Jesus is revealed "In Baptism."
The more we recognize the Glory of Christ, the more we'll come to realize and appreciate that God's glory is meant to shine in our hearts! We begin the Epiphany season by seeing "Jesus' Glory Revealed in Baptism."