When there's a battle before you and challenges around you, everything can change with just "A Glimpse of Hope."
What does Eve's temptation have to do with Christmas? God wants our affections directed away from false gods that make us happy for the moment to focus on Him, His love. He wants to give us a new heart this New Year.
Presence (meet the King who gives us back our lives)
Presents (offer our greatest treasures to Him)
Pre-sense (listen to His warnings so we are safe in our faith)
When you get a little older and roles change a bit, Christmas can look completely different. How, different then, might Christmas look from the perspective of the angels? What insights might they give us to the birth of Christ and what it means to the world? Get a glimpse of what Christmas looks like "Through Angel Eyes."
God paid attention to every detail when He fulfill His promise to send a Savior. If He kept this big promise, know that He will keep all of His promises - to give us courage, to not let us fall, to guide us and to love us. Now and in eternity.
When Jesus was born, people were living ordinary, everyday lives. Except for Mary, Joseph and a few shepherds, no one else knew that the Savior had been born! When God comes into our everyday lives it doesn't look spectacular - it looks like love, it looks like resurrected lives, it looks like our forever, but also our today.