Our midweek Lenten service theme this year is “A Strange Kind of Victory”. We will be studying events from the Gospel record of Jesus’ journey to the cross where it looked as if “all was lost” but by God’s power and grace spiritual victory was the only possible outcome.
To view a sermon video in this series "A Strange Kind of Victory", select one of the sermon titles below.
Fear verses Faith - Our "A Strange Kind of Victory" midweek Lenten series continues with a look at two men who overcame their fear and in doing so, helped set the stage for the greatest moment this world has ever known. Our study of John 19:38-42 shows us how because of the cross, "Faith Wins Over Fear."
Sometimes we can get so caught up in the details that we can miss the beautiful big picture. Our "A Strange Kind of Victory" midweek lenten series continued with Pastor Krause taking us through a study of Luke 23:47.
Our Lenten series, "A Strange Kind of Victory", continues with a message from Pastor Abrahamson reminding us that Paradise awaits us, and the prison we sometimes feel here on this earth will come to an end.
What does the face of love look like? Our midweek Lenten series "A Strange Kind of Victory" continued as Pastor Krause took us through a study of Luke 22:61-62. In this lesson we learned about Peter's denial of Jesus and considered the loving look of Jesus as He went about the work of winning back His sheep.
Directions - do you read them or do you just go ahead and try to figure it out on your own?
For our 2nd installment of "A Strange Kind of Victory" Lenten series Pastor Abrahamson took us through Matthew 26:52-54. In this lesson we admitted the issues that come from acting out of our own expectations and saw the beauty of what happened when Jesus followed the plan laid out in Scripture. We now have the privilege to embrace the fact that "Scripture Wins Over the Sword."
We begin our midweek Lenten series "A Strange Kind of Victory" with a study of Matthew 26:36-46. Pastor Krause takes us through an in-depth study of how "God's Will Wins Over My Will."