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Book: Joshua

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Following Jesus - He Has the Words of Eternal Life

Joshua 24:1-2, 14-18

Pastor Joel Russow's puts the well-known verse "But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15, into context as we, by faith, follow Jesus - even in this fallen, broken world.

The Choice is Yours?

Joshua 24:2a, 14-18

Seminary Student, Skyler Hepler leads us in a study from the book of Joshua reminding us of the choice we have between ourselves and what we think is right and our God who is always right.

Moldy Bread

Joshua 9:14-15

Trust God and His Word when making decisions. Everything the world offers is just moldy bread.

Survival Skills

Joshua 9:14-15

The Enemy Doesn't Always Look Like the Enemy. It may look harmless, but the enemy might actually be settling in right next to you. Detect the enemy. Take hold of the victory through Jesus and embrace your "Survival Skills."

The Conquest (Israel)

Joshua 6:15-19

His Victory. Your Hands.
God has won the victory and given it into your hands. It's time to take hold of it!
1) The battle isn't really ours. It's God's.
2) There's a sinister enemy in this world and in our hearts. We get to be part of its defeat.
3) God wins the victory and then places it in our hands. He invites us to join Him.
4) He didn't give us the victory so we could take part in things that are broken. We get to be part of making things right!
5) Jesus won it all by dying and rising. One day He will return when once and for all we see The Conquest

The Rest of the Story

Joshua 6:15-19

Every decision we make comes down to one of two Hebrew words - CHA-REM (abandon my sinful way of thinking and my plans for my life) or KA-DOSH (give God my whole heart, fully trusting the promises He's made). Like God giving victory in Jericho, Jesus came and gave us the victory over sin and death - we get to live in the victory each day!


Joshua 24:15

We have something that this world does not have and desperately needs - God's promise that when we make the wrong choices in life of serving other gods and ourselves, His Son will rescue us and give us back the life we were created to have.

Your Choice. Today.

Joshua 24:15

You Have A Choice!
Choices can be difficult. But you've been given an amazing opportunity with "Your Choice. Today."
1) Even though God has done so much for us, there's a part of us that will sometimes feel like it's bad to serve God. We need to be honest about that.
2) If it seems bad to serve God, we need to ask ourselves, "What other god will we serve?" You were designed to worship. You will serve something or someone.
3) Serving God is not primarily about what we do for God but trusting what God has done, is doing and will do for and through us!
4) Even our ability to choose to trust God today is a gift from Him. It's all about His power!
5) When we're faced with the choice to serve God or another, it's an opportunity to turn to the God who has rescued us, is here with us and will always come through on His promises to us!

Reputation Ra-ehab

Joshua 2:8-12a

How's your reputation? This weekend we met a women with a pretty bad reputation. Her name was Rahab and she was a prostitute. But as we studied Joshua 2:8-12a we see what happens when God's reputation meets Rahab's reputation. We get to experience "REPUTATION RA/EHAB."