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Book: Mark

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The Gospel is Bearing Fruit and Growing

Mark 4:26-34

Does God's Word have impact? Jesus says, "Yes!" Don't go by appearances, like the scattered seeds or the tiny mustard seed. It is His word, His message, His voice. He is teaching us to trust it. Guest Preacher, Prof. Joel Russow shares a message from Mark 4:26-34.

Piety with a Purpose

Mark 14:3-9

The more we give it away, the more we have....
...dig into Mark 14:3-9 and discover what is at the heart of "Piety With A Purpose."

The Heart of it All

Mark 1:3-9

Are you really hearing what it is that changes EVERYTHING? Dig into Mark 14:3-9 and get to "The Heart of it All."

The King Shall Come - Prepare to Meet Him

Mark 1:1-8

Guest Preacher, Prof. Joel Russow, shares an Advent message from Mark 1:1-8. John the Baptist points to Jesus, the only solution to a world corrupted by sin, Who offers complete forgiveness.

I Need a Sign

Mark 8:11-13

The only sure thing we can count on is God's word. We don't need to stress out looking for signs. Jesus has already given us everything we need!

The Search

Mark 8:11-13

You may not find what you've been looking for...
but you can find what you need. Look to Jesus in "The Search."


Mark 10:48

Jesus, who has the power to do what we need, also has the heart to do it for us. He gives to us His miracle of mercy.

What Do You Need?

Mark 10:48

You need help. What's holding you back from asking? Jesus is right here asking you, "What do you need?"

Making a Difference

Mark 14:12-16

God designed us - recreated us through the gift of faith - to be in a helpful relationship with others, to make a difference in their lives. Not for fame or glory, but to show the love of Christ.

Them's Fightin' Words

Mark 11:4-6

When the tension is rising.... may be exactly where God wants you to be! Spend some time in Mark 11:4-6 and see how we get to embrace a life of "Them's Fightin' Words."

Wrangling Donkeys

Mark 11:4-6

The next time God puts an opportunity in front of you, don't be afraid. Know you can do it! You can gain some confidence as you are "Wrangling Donkeys."

The Value of Family

Mark 3:31-35

Messy Family? Join the Club! Your family is probably messy, just like every other family. When once again family is complicated or even painful, you can find comfort in knowing that Jesus has redeemed family because He has made us God's family!

Tested (from Cottage Grove)

Mark 1:12-14

40. Testing. Jesus & You.
This Ash Wednesday we dig into Mark 1:12-13 where we see that we can pass the test because our Savior passed it for us!

Tested (from Fort Atkinson)

Mark 1:12-13

What do you think of tests?
We don't usually like tests. But sometimes a test sets us up for a beautiful new beginning. On Ash Wednesday we not only began a new sermon series, but began to see the beauty of how we have a Savior and a faith that is "Tested."

Amazing Love

Mark 12:13-17

What could taxes possibly teach us about God's relationship with us? Plenty!

Level Up

Mark 12:13-17

What if, when it seems like there's no way to win, there's a new opportunity to see God's glory? Dig into Mark 12:13-17 and see Jesus "Level Up."

What Would Jesus Undo?

Mark 11:15-18

Whoa! Flipping over tables and benches... stopping people in their tracks... apparently Jesus was awfully passionate about something happening in the temple! He's just as passionate about what is happening in our world and our lives today. Mark 11:15-18 clues us into how we can see God's glory by asking, "What Would Jesus Undo?"

NOTE: No sermon video from Fort Atkinson this week due to technical difficulties with the recording.

Amazing Rescuer

Mark 6:45-52

Life's storms - we all have them.
There is no better solution than to place our problems in God's hands and allow Him, in His wisdom and love, to send the kind of rescue we need.

StorMe See

Mark 6:45-52

When the Storm Hits...
Sometimes there's a force against you making it nearly impossible to move forward. Sometimes the wind is so strong it feels like you're going to break. But in these moments you can ask, "What does God, in this storm, want me to see?"

Amazing Offender

Mark 6:1-3

Jesus can be offensive... in the best way!

With His words and actions, Jesus can be offensive to us. Through faith, however, we see the beauty of who He is and what He does for us!

Warning: Awkward Moment

Mark 6:1-3

"Life is one big awkward situation. The more you embrace it, the better it will be."
Okay, that may just be a goofy life motto that Pastor A lives by. Yet, Mark 6:1-3 can help us see the beauty of embracing the "Warning: Awkward Moment."

Amazing Mercifier

Mark 5:18-20

So Merciful!
As amazing as it would be to see Jesus drive out a demon, what is even more amazing is the mercy that He showed and continues to show us today!

When Pigs Fly

Mark 5:18-20

Impossible.... Almost
We might feel like we're beyond repair or like we'll never break free, but Jesus came to show us what happens "When Pigs Fly."

Amazing Healer

Mark 2:8-12

As we wrestle every day with being sinners in a sinful world, Jesus comes and says "I have the cure and I want to heal you". But it doesn't start with our legs, it starts with our hearts. He came to forgive all of our sins.


Mark 2:8-12

As good as that was... what if there's more?

All those special ways that God comes through for us now are little glimpses of the healing that is to come!

Amazing Teacher

Mark 1:21-28


When Jesus teaches, it's absolutely amazing! Pastor Krause takes us to an event recorded in Mark 1:21-28 where everyone is blown away by Jesus as He teaches. This lesson kick-starts our new Epiphany series "Hidden Glory." It may not always be easy to see, but when we're tuned in, we can see the glory of Jesus again and again.

Power. Authority

Mark 1:21-28

Jaw Dropping

Jesus isn't just any teacher. He's the Key Piece to all the Scriptures. He gives the meaning and purpose to our lives. With that kind of authority comes real power. This lesson launches our new Epiphany series, "Hidden Glory." It might always be that easy to see, but when we're tuned in, we'll see Jesus' glory again and again.

Mind Blown

Mark 16:1-8

Resurrection Is Real!
He is Risen. He is Risen Indeed! Those are such fun beautiful words. But even when we say those words, does the truth of Easter always sink into to our minds and hearts. This Easter season, may God bend our minds a bit with the truth of Easter!
1) Jesus finished the work of healing His world on Good Friday. He rested on the Sabbath. Easter morning was the time for new life to begin!
2) The empty tomb with an angel sitting in Jesus' spot left the women dumbfounded. But Jesus had prepared them for this moment.
3) We can see and hear what Jesus has done, and yet the truth of the event doesn't sink in.
4) But when we don't go running out to Resurrection, Resurrection came to us!
5) We live in a world where a man really died and then really rose, just like He said. Resurrection happened, is happening and will happen again!

Sticks and Stones

Mark 16:1-18

When the Son of God empowered His human body to come back to life it not only changed Him, but it changed us - for eternity! We have a living Savior. What God promises, he delivers!

Sometimes You Have to Get a Little Dirty

Mark 11:1-11

Overlooked and Underappreciated
In the Passion History and Easter events, the burial of Jesus is often overlooked and underappreciated. But this event is powerful and gives us the boldness to get our hands a little dirty!
1) The God who created the earth was buried in the womb of the earth.
2) When we witness a baptism we actually step into the tomb of Jesus and are connected with the body of Christ
3) In that tomb we find the fullness of God in Christ and Christ is given to us. The dead body lying there of Jesus is a testimony of God's love
4) For Easter to mean anything, that death and burial needed to mean everything.
5) His death gives us courage to praise the God who laid down His life to give us life.