Often when God gives us these choices, what God wants from us is trust. From there he would have us make a choice and move forward, trusting His "Godly Guidance."
Often when God gives us these choices, what God wants from us is trust. From there he would have us make a choice and move forward, trusting His "Godly Guidance."
Have big decisions ahead?
Dig into Matthew 2:19-23 and how God guides you "Step by Step."
When Christmas seems like it's over so quickly, or that its a day where you've had all the special "feels" in the past but don't anymore, it can seem like it doesn't really play out in your real, everyday life. But when everything going on in Matthew 2:13-19 sinks into your head and your heart you can find a beautiful answer to the question, "Is This All In Your Head?"
God looks things from heaven's perspective. He is the One who changes our perspective!
So you're exhausted and it's not just because life is crazy, it's been rough. You may even be wondering why God has been relating to you the way He has. Jesus may not answer your questions the way you want, but He does give you what you need to "Never Lose Heart."
There will be moments where you hear Jesus say, "Come."
When you do, may you let go, step out of the boat and walk on water!
Red Light or Green Light Faith?
The call of Jesus is not primarily about saying no to things but about saying yes to the life He has for us. Dig into Matthew 14:29a and hear Jesus say, "Let's Go!"
Worry has many problems. Thankfully, God has given us the one and only solution!
Our good and loving God gives us both wisdom and patience as we are called upon to exercise our faith, even in the most personal and private tests of faith.
As the busy-ness of life distracts us, may we never become blind to the people around us. May we see the crowd, as Jesus did, and share God's love and His forgiveness through Jesus with them.
Just because you're breathing, it doesn't mean you're really living. The Resurrection doesn't just mean that we'll breath again, but it makes it possible for us truly "To Be Alive..."
Jesus is not afraid to be associated with anyone or anything. He meets you right where you are and them right where they are. He came that we might be reclaimed by how He's resetting the table.
Our God not only invites us to sit down at the table with all the other sinners, but also encourages us to invite them to sit with us as well!
May we be an influence in the lives of those who need the truth of the love of Jesus while at the same time refusing to be influenced by the confusion and deceptions of the world.
Yes it takes some thought, but once you realize what's been going on in your mind and in your heart and turn your attention to the One who changes it all, it's completely worth it! Jesus is calling for "Your Attention Please."
Even though we look forward to entering the kingdom of glory, God says "Just wait." He asked us to share the life-saving Gospel that has given meaning and purpose to our lives with others.
Everyday and every interaction can be completely changed when you have this "People Perspective."
Guest preacher, Prof. Joel Russow, shares an Epiphany message from Matthew 2.
When thinking about what's ahead, don't lose sight of what God calls us to right now. "Be Ready! Be Busy! Be Sheep!"
We're willing to say those hard things because of God's love for us and ultimately for His glory!
When you're weary because it feels like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, you can find rest in "Jesus, the Friend Who Gives..."
What's shaping your view of Jesus? When we see Jesus revealed "By the Father," not only does it reshape how we view Him, but how we see our entire life of faith!
Guest preacher, Prof. Sam Degner shares this Epiphany message from Matthew 16:13-17
Presence (meet the King who gives us back our lives)
Presents (offer our greatest treasures to Him)
Pre-sense (listen to His warnings so we are safe in our faith)
Move, mountain, move!
When Jesus died and rose again, the biggest mountain we all face was thrown into the sea. When the Spirit gave us faith, the stone was rolled away from our hearts. We get to live a new life. Get ready to see those mountains move!
A Jesus-Astonishing Faith
You've been given a faith that astonishes Jesus, a faith that makes it possible for you to see the glory of God when you look at other Christians and even when you look in the mirror. Welcome to the "Hall of Faith."
We are willing to trust Jesus with our eternities, but when we are willing to trust Him with our earthly lives - it is glorious and we will amaze even our Savior Himself.
We've been here before! Pastor Krause compares the history of God's chosen people, Israel, and the life of His Son. We see how God protects Israel and Jesus by sending them to Egypt. With this knowledge, we are encouraged to trust what He is doing for us today!
It's not over yet! Whether your tree is already down or you'll still be celebrating for weeks yet, there come times for all of us where it seems like it's all over. But He is providing. He is preserving. He is giving you life!
1) When you look at Jesus' life, see that He entered into your story. Through faith, now your story is connected to His!
2) The evil powers in this world saw Jesus as a threat and so tried to kill Him. If He's our King, we can expect the enemy to be at work against us!
3) The Father watched over and preserved His Son Jesus. He does the same for us.
4) The hard truth is that we often act in ways that should cut us off from our God. But Jesus was cut off for us.
5) No matter how hard the enemy works or how bad we've acted, we can look to Jesus for life!