Pastor Krause's Christmas Day message from Fort Atkinson campus.
There Is An Opportunity Right in Front of You! You don't have to go viral on the internet or be in a position of power to make an impact. God loves to work through people like us, right where we are, to carry out His work. He makes us "Influencers."
Before Jesus showed us the greatest example of reckless love by submitted Himself at the cross, He showed us how to love by running to sinners and the unclean instead of avoiding them.
The King We Really Need
For all the challenges in our lives and in this world, we need more than a regular king. Jesus is exactly the King we need!
1) God's people have often wanted a king that just makes things a little better now. But is that the king we really need?
2) A day is coming when a King will arrive that doesn't just make things a little better, but solves every single problem!
3) This year it seems like everything has gone off the rails and unfortunately, in many ways we've done it to ourselves.
4) Man-made solutions just don't cut it.
5) We don't need a good king, we need A Greater King!
Who or what rules your life?
It's one thing to know Jesus is King. It's another thing to live that way. That's why we're so blessed to study Jeremiah 23:5-6 where we get to prepare our hearts for "A Greater King."
Pastor Klebig leads us through a message of hope in Jeremiah as we can be confident that God DOES have a plan for us as we go through our "Babylons".
We've all heard it... We've probably all even said it... "God has a plan."
But let's be honest, sometimes it can be awfully hard to see how everything that is happening can be part of God's good plan. So let's clear up some confusion with a study of Jeremiah 29:11 as we answer the question "What Is God Really Up To?"
Feel Like Giving Up? Sometimes we feel like giving up, like there's no hope for improvement. For every one of those times, we have the message of Jeremiah 32:27 that we'll be studying this weekend.
Message from 7.26.20 in Cottage Grove
Sometimes we feel like giving up, like there's no hope for improvement. For every one of those times, we have the message of Jeremiah 32:27 that we'll be studying this weekend.
Message from 7.26.20 in Fort Atkinson
Sad Tears or Happy Tears? Maybe both!
Could These Sad Tears Also Be Happy Tears? Sometimes tears are from sadness. Other times they are from joy. But our God knows how to take sad tears and turn them into tears of joy.
Have you ever had a tree or plant that you tried to get rid of but it just kept coming back? No matter what you used: a saw, poison, digging up the roots - it just could not kill it. I know, it is a weird analogy, but that's how God's promises are - unkillable. No matter how many times we doubt them, reject them, or walk away from them, God's promises are always there. This week we begin the new church year and the Advent season. We start our series "New Beginnings" with a lesson from Jeremiah 33:1-16 with the theme: "Let's begin - Again".
I [Pastor Krause] think it is a pretty safe guess that you all know I am a huge Packer fan. I am excited the Pack is off to good start this season. But I am a bit concerned how our defense has been playing, especially with Sunday's upcoming game against Dallas.
I hope the Packers prepare for the game with a philosophy this weekend's lesson teaches us about spiritual warfare. We are going to study another prophet who was at the point of wanting to quit. And so God taught Jeremiah to "Bend, but not Break".