Is something missing?
You know that moment...uncertainty, indecision, the uneasy feeling of not knowing for sure what to do. Life can be that way sometimes. Because of sin we often struggle to understand what He is doing in our lives at that very moment.
God created every single one of us for a reason and with purpose, even though God does not dictate exactly what we are supposed to do every moment of the day. This week's lesson is Ecclesiastes 12:13 and answers that nagging question "what's my purpose," and it offers application for every moment of our lives.
Time Out! "Have you ever stopped to think about how much we are controlled by our schedules as well as our own concepts of time? Most folks live their lives ruled by the clock and the calendar (guilty as charged)." writes Pastor Krause. This lesson is about how God - as the creator of time - controls time for us. Ecclesiastes 3:1 teaches us how to trust in God's perfect timing.