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Book: Proverbs

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You Promised to Guide Me

Proverbs 6:20-22

When you feel lost, you can move forward knowing that God promised "To Guide Me."

Not Thankful, Thankful

Proverbs 30:7-9

Are there times in your life where you are not thankful? Maybe we all need a change in perspective!

Surveillance State

Proverbs 22:3

Safe. Are there many more important words in our world today? This weekend, as we study our "Surveillance State" with a lesson from Proverbs 22:3, we'll discuss dangerous situations for our souls and look to the God who is our refuge and shield.

Built to Last

Proverbs 20:6-7

What's the secret to a love that lasts? Laugh often? Communicate? Forgive? There's no such thing? This weekend we concluded the "Love" portion of our "Christian Character(s)" series, as we studied Proverbs 20:6-7 where we see how we get to experience love that is "Built to Last."

Love Is For Losers

Proverbs 30:18-19

Relationships: Back in my day (Pastor Krause speaking) we didn't have fancy dating apps or computer programs to determine if a person was a good "match" with someone else in their system. Back in my day we asked a girl out and prayed to God she would say "yes". It is nice to know some things about relationships never change, starting with the relationship God chooses to have with us. This month we study our Christian character(s) from the perspective of the marital relationship - the one human relationship God uses to describe His love for us. We study Proverbs 30:18-19 and see that "Love is for Losers".