Are there things that come out of your mouth, run through your mind or hang around in your heart that really shouldn't? We don't need to be afraid of those things when we realize how God responds to "My Big Fat Mouth."
The next time you find yourself in a tough situation, maybe a Job moment, and you're dying to ask God a question, go ahead, ask the question. Just make sure you're asking the right question!
Do you get it? It's good to try to understand life and what's happening in the world around us. But in times of terrible tragedy or loss, it can be extremely challenging when we can't seem to "get" what God is doing. For those trying times, Pastor Abrahamson helps us work through a study of Job, Chapter 42, as we ask "When Will I Finally 'Get' God?"
"God, What's Going On?" "I Don't Get It!"
Sometimes our world is turned upside down and nothing seems right. Sometimes we can't see how God is doing anything good and can't make any sense of how God works. For those times, we have Job 42:1-6.
Just Give Up Already!
This Doesn't Make Any Sense!
Sometimes it's not just that life is really tough, but we actually hear voices saying we should give up on God. This weekend we have a challenging section of God's Word, Job 2:7-10, where you get the surprising encouragement to just go right ahead and "give up on YOUR god."
("Job" Video courtesy of The Bible Project and can be downloaded for free at