The God who was with Elijah would also be with Elisha - and is with each of us today! A message from guest preacher Prof. Joel Russow, from 2 Kings 2:1-12.
No matter what is happening in our lives and in our world, Jesus wins - through His life, through His death and through His resurrection! And because He wins, we win!
Even good things can turn into a mess. Thankfully, Jesus sets everything right when life gets blended and good things have gone wrong.
It's hard, when you've lost something or someone important.
But Jesus has made it so you can live with "Hope Restored."
Opportunity is in front of you. What's your response? God can transform you and the world whether you're "Ready Or Not."
When all you see is trouble....
You've been there. You know the feeling - when it seems like everywhere you look there's another challenge, failure or threat - when the enemy is attacking from every direction. Now, we can lay our fears down through a study of 2 Kings 6:15-17 as God opens our eyes to see that He has chosen to "Surround" us.