Today might be the day when time gives way to eternity, we see our Savior return and we hear the promise come fulfilled "Today is the day you have been set free from the curse of sin!"
Even in the middle of the struggle, our experience can be different when we remember "The Point of the Pain."
There is no way for us to comprehend but it would be good for us to try to imagine that day when Jesus brings back our freedom and we say "Finally!"
Let's be honest, we're surrounded by a lot of craziness in this world. But no matter what's going on around us, really, Life is Looking Up!
Even when that attitude of gratitude has been missing in our heads and hearts, we have a God who still looks at us and says, "I love you."
When tests have been coming at you from every direction, are you thankful for everything? James 1:2-4 can change the way you answer that question, filling you with perspective and encouragement whenever a test comes your way!
This special collection of sermonettes takes you through the life of Christ!
When the challenges of life meet the big story of God, encouragement and hope can actually come from those moments where we're reminded of "What Your Life is Missing."
Sometimes help is...painful. Help may not always come like you ask, but help will come.
As we anticipate future events in our lives, whether positive or negative, one of the biggest challenges we face is the waiting.
What if the answer God wants to give us is bigger than the question we're asking? Dig into John 20:24-25 and transform those moments when you ask, "Are You Sure?"
Jesus gave us the proof of His love, that no matter what challenge we face & what demon we might be running from, there's one enemy we can conquer, even if it is ourselves.
A heavy dose of reality and incredibly encouraging truth, that's the behind the scene glimpse we get when we take a hold of this "Backstage Pass."
We don't move an inch without our Savior running out in front of us!
Some places & paths in life seem pretty dark and scary and yet they are exactly where God is calling us to go. As we dig into John 11:8, Jesus shines a light on every time we find ourselves questioning, "Go There?"
Not only did our Savior conquer evil for us, He taught us how to stand up to it!
You're walking out into a world where you are going to suffer, but what do we know? We have Gospel conclusions that we don't just hear, but believe and live!
You might be older. You might be wiser but you are certainly not better.
When life is just a lot and things get complicated, bring the pieces to Jesus. He makes it so we can be beautifully "Puzzled."
At first glance it looked like the big miracle was giving a blind man his sight, but the bigger miracle was to give the man his spiritual eyes!
From love and with faith let's speak some very positive "Dangerous Words."
It's one thing to know that God can do anything. It's another thing to live it. No matter where we've been in our faith, we have a God who has done and continues to do the seemingly im possible.
So you're exhausted and it's not just because life is crazy, it's been rough. You may even be wondering why God has been relating to you the way He has. Jesus may not answer your questions the way you want, but He does give you what you need to "Never Lose Heart."
In the middle of the chaos, where are you looking? Jesus is right there with you, do you see Him?
There will be moments where you hear Jesus say, "Come."
When you do, may you let go, step out of the boat and walk on water!
Red Light or Green Light Faith?
The call of Jesus is not primarily about saying no to things but about saying yes to the life He has for us. Dig into Matthew 14:29a and hear Jesus say, "Let's Go!"
Jesus doesn't just teach us about help, about hope, about peace, about new life, Jesus delivers it. Guest Preacher, Prof. Joel Russow, shares a message from Mark 9:14-27.
Life is hard. But are we making it harder than it needs to be? Jesus has made it so we don't need to live "Miserably Saved."
Sometimes God lets us reach the end of our rope so we reach for the end of His. There we find both help and healing in the wings of our Savior!